"Julie Powell, she cooked every recipe in the Julia Child Cookbook and blogged about it. She did it in one year. She loved Julia Child and loved cooking."
When I found out she passed away I just started crying. I didn't realize it would hit me this hard. She is the reason and my inspiration to want to start a blog.
The movie "Julie and Julia" starring Meryl Streep and Amy Adams is one of my favorite movies. It is my blog bible. When I need inspiration, I watch the movie. When I want a good laugh, I watch the movie. And basically watch it every chance I get. LOL!!!
I followed her on twitter. I would always tag her on all my twitter posts about my blog. Hoping one of those time she would maybe reach out to me. I did post a comment one time about the movie and she did respond back. It was so cool. If you've seen the movie, there is a seen which is called the "Ritual Cobb Salad Lunch." I had asked her if that really happened. She said no, it was just put in the movie. She said she hated that scene. I always had more questions I wanted to ask but didn't want to seem like a stalker. LOL!!!!
I think I was in awe of her the way she was in awe of Julie Child.
I did find her address and sent her a shirt and letter but I never heard anything back. Ok, I am a fan girl. LOL!!!
In the movie, Julie loved Julia Child and cooking. Now, in heaven, she will finally meet her idol.
I plan to dedicate my blog to Julie Powell.
RIP Julie Powell!!!!