Below is a copy of the letter I got about World Romance Scam Prevention Day
October 3, 2023 is World Romance Scam Prevention Day!
Online romance scams are an epidemic that has made its way around the world to the tune of billions of dollars, resulting in several victims finding no other way out of an emotional and financial destitute than by suicide.
Speaking with victims’ day after day, hearing the stories of despair, shame, and pleas for additional help, Advocating Against Romance Scammers (AARS) felt a symbolic day that focused on awareness and prevention of online romance scams was needed now, more than ever. After applying for the honorary day, National Day Archives felt the need was just as crucial, and dedicated October 3rd as World Romance Scam Prevention Day!
Being apart of the Anti-romance scam “family” for the past 6+ years we have met with so many wonderful advocates online, in person, and through video-conferences! Bringing us all together with the goal of educating and bringing awareness to as many people around the world as possible, will provide the ammunition needed to recognize, a romance scam, and in turn, staying online safe. Working toward one goal, and under one sign. WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE TOGETHER!
How Can You Help?
1. Awareness and Education are two requirements to help make a dent in online romance scam fraud. What better way than to have a “World Day” dedicated to bringing an issue that affects countless number of victims to the forefront. Over an estimated 90% of romance scam victims do not report the crime due to shame and embarrassment that the stigmas have laid upon this crime.
2. Another way you could show your organization/group support for World Romance Scam Prevention Day would be to email us at and let us know the name of your group or organization and we will get your name up on the website under “Endorsers”!
3. If you would like to donate toward the day, you are welcome to here or on the website. All donations will go towards World Romance Scam Prevention Day, future awareness and educational projects led by Advocating Against Romance Scammers.
4. On the website, there are also different sponsor packages available that can provide your organization the opportunity to let others know how your understanding of the severity of online romance scams and the importance continued education about online safety is.
Protecting Hearts Worldwide Webinar
AARS is looking forward to honoring World Romance Scam Prevention Day by organizing a 60-minute webinar hosted by InfraGard National Members Alliance. The theme is Protecting Hearts Worldwide. With your involvement for World Romance Scam Prevention Day, we know we can successfully put a dent in the prevention of online romance scams! More information to come! Updates will be posted on the new Protecting Hearts Website as they come!
Kathy Waters
Co-founder/Executive Director-Advocating Against Romance Scammers
Project Team Member for World Romance Scam Prevention Day