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My Online Dating Stories... (from 10-18-2016)

Okay, so I started a little project in August and decided to start a blog about it. After breaking up with my last boyfriend in 2011 I took time to be selfish and not date anyone. It was good. Then I thought I think I’m ready to get back out there, though my daughter isn’t ready for me too. Anyway, here is my story and yes it’s all true. I am not putting down any sites either. I am sure all of them have their success stories and do work. I work with a girl who met her fiancé on e-harmony. Now I’m NOT looking for a husband but I would like someone to go out with. So as I share my story I will add in tips. So are you ready? Here we go…. First off I want to say that I in NO WAY are playing any games with the men I email with. I am sincere. I know there are good guys out there who are honest and I hope to meet one soon. But my stories are too funny not to share.

I starting looking at profiles on the sites to see what’s out there and my first thing I realized is “Man these guys who are supposedly my age sure look old.” I don’t know maybe I look old but I sure don’t feel it. I’ve been told I don’t look my age. I definitely don’t act it. (Only when I have too).

The first site I joined was Catholic Since I’m catholic I thought it would be a good place to start. There were some okay looking guys, some really cute ones and some that shouldn’t publish their picture. (Sorry but it’s true). Now I am a very liberal Catholic and the majority of these guys were all Christian conservatives. Nothing wrong with that but not interested. One night I went into the chatroom just to check things out. There was a political discussion going on. I should have left but continued to read the comments. I finally made one about me voting for Hillary. Man did I get slammed. It was actually very funny. Anyway, after a few minutes of being dumped on I just left the room and laughed. I visited the site for a few weeks. Sending messages to some of them who sounded interesting. Never heard back. That’s okay.

Tip #1: Guys, take better pictures of yourselves. Some of them look like mug shots. The only thing missing is a number under your picture. SMILE!! Make yourself look like you want to be there and you are serious about wanting to meet a woman. If you can’t take the picture have someone do it for you. Hell I'll do it for you for free. Make sure the pictures are clear and not tiny. Wear something decent. And please keep your shirt on for the picture. If you have your shirt off that tells me one thing (and I could be wrong) that you just want sex. And take several pictures. I don’t want to see a picture of your motorcycle or car unless you are with it. And I don’t want to see scenery pictures from all the places you visited. I don’t care where you’ve been. You’re just showing off. And don't post pictures of you with other women. I can't believe some guys do this. UGH!!! And remember SMILE!!!!

So the next site I tried was I heard a lot of good stuff about it so I signed up for one month. Well as soon as I signed up I got several hits. One guy from Kansas City sent me a message. We chatted online for a few minutes. But he lives in KC and I am in no way moving for anyone. I love St. Louis. I was born here and I’ll die here. He seemed nice. Then I got a message from another guy. He was in the Army stationed in Syria on a peace keeping mission. Ladies, as soon you as see that line, run. Keeping running and don’t look back. They are a scammer. But at the time I didn’t know that. We emailed back and forth and I got real suspicious. For a guy who doesn’t know me, he said so many sweet things and tells me how beautiful I am. (Well I know that I am). I would ask questions in my emails and not all of them would get answered. He would avoid them. I got suspicious. He said he was retiring from the Army in 2 months and that he would move anywhere for the right girl. (I don’t want you to move to my town. I want you to have your own friends. Don’t smother me). So, since his email gave his first and last name I googled him. This is an amazing tool.

Tip #2: Ladies, get their full name if you can and google them. Be a detective. It’s amazing what you can find on the internet.

So when I googled him it took me to a site where they list guys faking being in the military. Guess what? This guy’s picture was right there. I read they are usually from foreign countries and get you hooked online so later you will wire them money. LOL!!! I have no money. Well as soon as I read this I sent him the following email: “I read about you online and no longer wish you hear from you. Never contact me again.” And of course he didn’t. Because I caught him in his game. This makes our men and women in the military look bad. They aren't!!! It's the idiots posing as them.

Tip #3: Ladies, never give out bank account information or wire money to someone you’ve never met or know. It even says this on the dating website. LISTEN!!!

Of course when I went back to the site his profile was gone.What a surprise.

I have more funny stories to share. So please follow my blog, post, ask questions, offer advice and suggestions. I want everyone to be able to share their crazy stores or their friends stories.

More to follow…

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