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Today's contestant on "Try to fool the Stargatelady" (10/9/2017)

Well this one isn't in the army but works on an oil rig. Interesting. But the same sad story. LOL!!!

Take a gander.

From: Paul Lab [] Sent: Friday, October 6, 2017 4:33 AM

Hi Pasty

How are you doing? Thanks for the note and response to my email and i would love to know you better. I believe this could be the beginning of a good relationship. My name is Paul, I work as a Petroleum Geologist. I consult and act as a sub contractor with Fortune 100 companies as a project Supervisor/Contractor in Rigs offshore.. I am currently working at a Rigs offshore in NY and I am retiring in 3months time. I have a son and also a brother. parents both late.I am widower. Story for another day. :)

Let me know what you want to know about me and we can kick start.

I hope to hear from you soon and hope you are having a good and productive day.


On Fri, Oct 6, 2017 at 7:24 AM, Patsy <> wrote:

So happy to hear from you. Oh by the way it’s Patsy not Pasty. 😉

I am divorced and have a daughter. Been divorced since 2005. Happily divorced. 😊

I am secretary and love my job.

I had no idea we had oil rigs off of New York. I didn’t know there was oil up there.


Paul Lab [] Sent: Saturday, October 7, 2017 2:26 PM Hello Patsy hope i got this right lol

Thanks for the email, So let's get started and let me shared more insight about me, so you truly know where I am coming from and where I am going to. I hope this is a start to something wonderful.

My Business and Line of Work:

I work as a Petroleum Geologist, And I have a tour round the world for the past 39years doing this business. It is stressful and hectic but at the same time very rewarding. I am currently working at a Rigs offshore in NY. I am here close to the Atlantic coast, northern side NY. The reception sometimes is very bad and texting works better for me. as soon as i am done over here which should be about 6weeks. then that would be my last deal as I call it quit and enjoy the rest of my life with that special woman who will be my best friend and well as a lover. Hope that woman is you. :). I was Born Nov 20 1960

Where would I want to settle down?:

Well, I remain opened to my partners' suggestion, and we would have to seat and talk that over. I am very mobile and would go wherever would be good and excellent for both I and that extraordinary woman. When I am not working, I stay more in NY. I do have a house in Woodside NY, and also I have a home in Whittier CA. So I am very mobile.

Little about my Family:

I lost my dad and mom alongside my sister in a car accident 2012. I do have a Brother Fredy. One of the sweetest men I know and he is my best friend, although he has some medical issue. We both are very close, and he is so kind and sweet. I have a Son Smith, and he is 22, and he is in Wales studying. Lost my wife to cancer, sad story and don’t want to talk about it. I am glad i was able to heal from it. it wasn’t easy but i was able to.

Where I am From:

My Dad emigrated from Slovakia but, lived in Wales and my Mom from the USA. They meant when my Mom went to school in Wales and later relocated to State. My dad was in the line of Mining as well, and he thought me the business or rather I would say I learned a little bit from him, but unfortunately i didn’t followed in his line. I was five years old when my dad got a big contract in Germany, so, that required we all moved to Germany and we stayed there until I was 16 and later moved to wales. When I was 21, we moved back to Germany, then Slovakia and then transferred to the State. So it was an on and off thing

So your Turn.

Every day can be a beautiful day, Just take a look around you and think about all of the wonderful things you have to be thankful for...the sunshine, roses, laughter, close friends, family, music, and beautiful dreams, The storm is never half as bad as it seems, Don’t let the rain ruin your day, When the dark clouds move in just smile, because the good times are on the way and you have Paul to talk to :). I am attaching some pic with this email for you.

Have a lovely day as I await your response.


Hi Paul!

Glad you hear from you. I have questions and some stuff for you.

  1. Are you really who you say you are?

  2. Are you really an oil person?

  3. Is your family really dead?

  4. Where are you really from?

  5. Who are you really?

  6. I don’t have money so if you ask me to send you money I won’t.

Perhaps I was a bit harsh. Nah!!!!!!!!!! Now here is the picture he was using and you know where this goes by now, right?

The Liars walls of disdain!!!!!!!!!!

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